Friday, March 6, 2020

Essential Italian Vocabulary Words for Beginners

Essential Italian Vocabulary Words for Beginners Brooke Neuman Learning basic vocabulary words helps you build a solid language foundation. Below, Italian teacher Nadia B. shares some of the most essential Italian vocabulary words to add to your study list Are you ready to start learning Italian? Before you dive into the more difficult lessons like grammar and writing, its best to start with a foundation of basic Italian vocabulary words. Learning these words will give you a running start, and enable you to communicate in a simple, yet clear way in Italian. Below is a list of basic Italian vocabulary words, split into five different categories. Greetings Greetings are perhaps the most useful vocabulary words of all, especially when youre traveling. These simple words give you the ability to appropriately greet whomever you encounter or understand those who are greeting you. Essential verbs In order to form complete sentences you must have an understanding of the essential verbs. Below are just a few of the most useful verbs to add to your language repertoire. Numbers To effectively communicate prices in shops, quantities of food, and other items, numbers are extremely useful to know. Below are the numbers one through ten as well as examples of how to use the numbers in sentences. Introductions Another basic element of vocabulary are words to introduce yourself. After all, it will be hard to meet a native speaker if youre not sure of how to introduce yourself properly. Below are some vocabulary words for introductions. Politeness Lastly, theres nothing more important in Italian culture than politeness. When speaking a new language, you can often end up saying things you dont mean out of misunderstanding. The following words will help you fix any situation. With these words, youre well on your way to building a strong foundation of basic Italian vocabulary. To help you memorize these words, play some fun grammar games or practice speaking with your family or friends. Nadia B. teaches Italian in New York, NY. She graduated summa cum laude from New York University, with a double degree in Italian Language and Literature and Classical Music Performance.  Learn more about Nadia here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  __Jens__

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