Monday, March 23, 2020

Online Tutoring for High School Students Can Be Available With Any Reputed Institute

Online Tutoring for High School Students Can Be Available With Any Reputed Institute School is a place that is been visited by mostly all of the children. Some of the students are lucky to avail school for many years till the last and some of them are not so lucky to get that benefit for a long time. School teaches us with variety of things and the most important among them is that it provides us education. Academic education is very important for our life and this is considered as the base of our success. Without the help of proper education the life of a child is never completed. They cannot live a better life and a good future as well without proper learning. School introduces us with various types of subjects, different learning things and also with certain new types of games, other co-curricular activities and so on. The teachers present there can bring you to new things to learn and can also bring you to open up a whole new chapter for life. But sometimes the students are not able to focus on what the school teaches as they are unable to catch the grip of the teaching process applied in schools. This decreases their grades and blurs away the prospect of having a better future as well. What is online teaching and how it can be better than private tuitions? Private tuitions can bring in relief, but with the increase in the competitive market it is impossible to get good teachers who will full concentration will deal with the students. The students are of two types-one is the strong students or the intelligent students and the others are weak students who cannot open up with the teaching process that is conducted in the schools or in the coaching classes. Private tuitions have become like the coaching classes or mini schools where you have lot of children sitting together and gaining knowledge well. In such problems only one can help you and that is the online institutes that are present in the entire city and the availability may be not more but they are not less even. With the passage of time there have been many online teaching institutes who have lessened your cause of worry. Being a parent it is one of the biggest responsibilities as to choose what will be the best for your child and how can your child cope up with. Online learning process is new and also is one of the best way through which you can get the easiest process of learning and knowing as well. The online process carries with it various types of benefits that are not possible for any private tutor to supply to its students. Advantages of online learning process It is a new type of learning pattern and also a less time consuming as well as effective even. The teachers that are found in such institutes are very much efficient and have good grip over the subject. They can bring out full proficiency over the subject and can help the student also to learn better and in an easier manner. They are highly qualified to teach the subject with lots of knowledge. The services of the online teachers are available all round the clock and throughout the year. There is no time limit here and the students can easily go for the classes anytime they want to attend the classes as per their wish and timing. The entire process of classes does not require any presence of a student or a teacher to move about somewhere and conduct the classes. One can sit at their home and get the classes to be done. This saves the time and energy of a student and they can utilize the energy in some good manner and make the most benefit out of it. The study materials are sometimes provided by the institutes only via emails, online chats, video conferencing and also through tele conferencing. This saves your time to get in search of the good notes that is essential for your further learning with the process. With so many advantages, it would be appealing for any of the student to avail the service of online learning. The online teachers can bring out the best from a weak student as well as they know the proper and correct process of teaching and the most important benefit is that every teacher is given only a single student at one point of time to teach. This helps the teacher to plan how to teach the student and also benefits the student as the full level of concentration is provided to only a single student at a time. A reputed institute TutorPace and its benefits TutorPace is such an institute where you can get enormous amount of benefits and where you being student can grow and prosper with your full efficiency. The institute provides you with various types of help and different types of services. Some services are related with the subjects, some are related with classes and some are related with a set of class, just for example online tutoring for high school students is a service that falls under the prospects of the institute. The teachers are very efficient that helps the student to open up with the different types of problems that have grown in a child’s mind. When you have a teacher by your side, the confidence level increases to a large extent and this helps you to perform better. This is the main way through which the students who have enrolled themselves in such kind of reputed institutes are benefited largely. Apart from all such facilities the other most important apart that TutorPace provides you are the charges that are charge d for each service. As compared to other institutes the charges are very less and this can be handles by the parents as the money charges comes under the affordability of a parent easily and without any worry.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Essential Italian Vocabulary Words for Beginners

Essential Italian Vocabulary Words for Beginners Brooke Neuman Learning basic vocabulary words helps you build a solid language foundation. Below, Italian teacher Nadia B. shares some of the most essential Italian vocabulary words to add to your study list Are you ready to start learning Italian? Before you dive into the more difficult lessons like grammar and writing, its best to start with a foundation of basic Italian vocabulary words. Learning these words will give you a running start, and enable you to communicate in a simple, yet clear way in Italian. Below is a list of basic Italian vocabulary words, split into five different categories. Greetings Greetings are perhaps the most useful vocabulary words of all, especially when youre traveling. These simple words give you the ability to appropriately greet whomever you encounter or understand those who are greeting you. Essential verbs In order to form complete sentences you must have an understanding of the essential verbs. Below are just a few of the most useful verbs to add to your language repertoire. Numbers To effectively communicate prices in shops, quantities of food, and other items, numbers are extremely useful to know. Below are the numbers one through ten as well as examples of how to use the numbers in sentences. Introductions Another basic element of vocabulary are words to introduce yourself. After all, it will be hard to meet a native speaker if youre not sure of how to introduce yourself properly. Below are some vocabulary words for introductions. Politeness Lastly, theres nothing more important in Italian culture than politeness. When speaking a new language, you can often end up saying things you dont mean out of misunderstanding. The following words will help you fix any situation. With these words, youre well on your way to building a strong foundation of basic Italian vocabulary. To help you memorize these words, play some fun grammar games or practice speaking with your family or friends. Nadia B. teaches Italian in New York, NY. She graduated summa cum laude from New York University, with a double degree in Italian Language and Literature and Classical Music Performance.  Learn more about Nadia here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  __Jens__

Thursday, March 5, 2020

SAT Chemistry Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace

SAT Chemistry Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace Get SAT Chemistry Tutoring Online Now! Getting ready for the SAT Chemistry section can be difficult. It is one of the most broad subject tests, covering a wide range of Chemistry topics that can be hard to master. Tutor Paces expert online Chemistry tutors are experienced at helping high school students learn the concepts crucial to succeeding on the test. Our tutors will teach you fundamental and advanced topics in: The structure of matter The states of matter Different reaction types Thermochemistry Stoichiometry Descriptive chemistry Equilibrium and reaction states Laboratory proficiency Technological Tools to Help You Succeed Our SAT Chemistry tutoring service uses a revolutionary advance in online learning to make studying for the test easier. Because creating complex formulas on the computer can be difficult, Tutor Paces interactive whiteboard allows for quick and easy selection from a pre-loaded list of formulas and the use of a built-in scientific calculator. When preparing for the SAT Chemistry section, you dont want any surprises on test day. Our tutors are up-to-date on the latest trends in SAT exam development and will make sure you are comfortable with any concepts or questions you may encounter. Online SAT Chemistry Tutors when you need them most When you sign up for an account with Tutor Pace, you instantly have access to a team of professional online tutors who are committed to your success. They are available 24/7/365, so you can always study at the time most convenient for you.

Unique Uses of Social Media to Gain Colleges Attention

Unique Uses of Social Media to Gain Colleges' Attention Social mediaa burgeoning percentage of our society utilizes it, and we all intimately know how fun it is to connect and share on these networks. However, social media is also rapidly becoming a major source to connect professionally. Students who can transform the raw power of social media into commercial success will ultimately lead in their respective fields and these are precisely the students that colleges and universities are seeking. Incorporating social media into your application can serve to do more than merely garner attention; it can prove you will be successful. Here are several strategies to aid in making that statement. Create a multimedia blog This tactic is an increasingly popular one. It provides you with a wonderful method to expose institutions to an additional side of you as an applicant. However, you must determine a central professional theme for your blog. Do not discuss what you fixed for dinner or analyze your favorite sports teams. Instead, connect your blog to your major. If you plan to pursue a Business degree, discuss the latest business trends and marketing campaigns. If you are a STEM student, post such projects. Here are 4 benefits of STEM studiesthat you may find interesting as well.Build a trebuchet (you can locate easy-to-assemble kits online) and upload videos of it in action. Post the blueprints, your procedure for constructing it, etc. If you have not yet decided on a major, blog about your experiences preparing for college and sitting for the ACT or SAT, as well as advice on applying. Make it your own, and make it creative. Connect with professors and admissions counselors Follow your desired institutions to learn of on-campus events, news, and student experiences all of which can serve as fantastic material for your essay. Likewise, connecting with professors or admissions counselors can increase your name recognition. However, you must make sure to identify a legitimate reason to interact with them. Speak with individuals on LinkedIn, but only if you can add value to the discussion. Research what articles they post as well as the groups in which theyre active and give thoughtful responses. These are 3 things you must do after an admissions interviewthat you may find helpful. Consider video applications Video applications arent as original as they once were, but you can still gain creativity points with this strategy when applicable. Your video application does not replace your standard application. Instead, it is another way to get an admissions counselors attention. In your video, share your personality and discuss your hobbies, extracurricular activities, and world experiences but most importantly, be original and tailor your video to the institution and your intended major. Here is a great last minute checklist before submitting your college applicationthat you may want to take a look at. Do something big, and do something creative Admissions counselors view hundreds of thousands of applications, which means originality is key. If you can display creativity, you will impress them. For example, you could temporarily alter your entire Facebook page to resemble an application, with each post and photograph highlighting different, relevant features (projects, activities, sports teams, etc.). You could even go a step further and tailor it to the institution, rewriting your page to solely concern Harvard University admissions. If you do not wish to change your Facebook page, perhaps you could create a Vine account with each short video detailing an activity of yours (playing an instrument, debating a case if you are on the debate team, dribbling a basketball, etc.). Again, you can rewrite your account to focus on the school to which youre applying. Clean up your accounts It is safe to assume colleges and universities will investigate your existing social media accounts. Simply put, do not post anything you do not want college admissions counselors to view, and go back and delete any potentially incriminating posts. Google search your name to ensure the results are clean, as certain posts can remain in the search index for some time after you delete them.

Indirect Questions and A Difficult Job Interview in English

Indirect Questions and A Difficult Job Interview in English Indirect Questions in EnglishIndirect questions are sometimes hard to understand and form in English, but they are used quite often. Were going to use a funny animated video about a very difficult job interview to help you learn about indirect questions.We use them to ask questions to people we don’t know well, in professional situations or to be polite.Direct Questions in English  As you probably know, to form simple questions in English we use: who, what, when, why, or how + ‘Aux (to be/do) + verb: For example:How are you? What do you do? Where are you from? These are simple and they are very clear and easier to answer. Indirect questions are a little more difficult. They often start with: Do you know…, Could you…., I was wondering ifWould you mind…Where is my hat? (Direct Question)Do you know where my hat is? (Indirect Question)Watch the video below (warning, there is some animated nudity in the video), then try the exercises:Interview from The Animation Workshop on Vime o.English Exercises for direct and indirect questions:Answer the questions below, then change each of the direct questions into more polite questions. If you answer in comments, well correct your answers.1. What ____ your strengths?2. Are you ______?3. Any _____? Any _____? ____ you comfortable with ____?4. Why ___ you leaving?5. Sit ____?What is your worst job interview experience?Finally, click here to try our quiz on indirect questions.

BBC Radio Shropshire Interview Edd Stockwell

BBC Radio Shropshire Interview Edd Stockwell BBC Radio Shropshire interview Edd Stockwell about private tuition, why parents buy tutoring, how Tutorfair gives free tutoring and Tutorfair's tutor training programmes. If you missed it, then we've transcribed it for you, or if you'd prefer to listen, hit play on the recording below! BBC Reporter Do you remember when you’re little and there might be one subject in particular that you struggled with, and that could mean extra tuition, private tuition. So have your children had any and how effective was it? Apparently people in London are twice as likely to pay for private tuition than the rest of us, but even so the numbers are going up. Edd Stockwell is one of the founders of Tutorfair, it’s a website that helps people find tutors in their area. Good morning, Edd! Edd Stockwell Good morning! BBC Reporter Why do you think there’s such an increase in people booking tutors? Edd Stockwell I think tutoring is the single most effective form of education you can get (one on one tutoring) and I think it’s probably the oldest form of education. I think Aristoteles was probably right several thousand years ago! So everyone has always had private tuition, and I think it has also gone up quite a bit recently in the last ten years. Due to competition for top schools and jobs, it keeps continuing to increase! BBC Reporter Is that what you’re putting it down to? Is not the state of our education system then? Edd Stockwell No, I don’t think so at all! I think our education system is fantastic! Yet every child is different, and everyone misses something at school. So, if parents and teachers can find ways to help kids to fill in the gaps if they've missed anything. All good teachers give tutoring, just after class or a little  one on one time with kids to help them out - I think it’s fantastic thing. BBC Reporter Imagine then that the increase in London is down to the increase in competition and places, would you put it down to that? Edd Stockwell Yes I think it's partly that. I think it's becoming more socially acceptable, tutoring does have a bit of stigma to it. It’s the middle  class buying the advantage, which I think is exactly what the middle class are trying to do. On one level, they're right to do it! It’s a really effective way to help the students to succeed. I think the difficulties start when you've got to that stigma and it becomes unfair, and those who can’t afford to pay can’t have access to such an incredibly powerful form of education, and we really need to look quite carefully at what we could do to help bridge that gap and make a difference. BBC Reporter But don’t you offer tuition to children who can't afford it as well? Edd  Stockwell We do, so we’ve got a one for one promise, so  for every student who pays we give tutoring to  someone who can’t afford it.  So we partner with inner-city schools where they have a high proportion of students on free school meals and then class teachers choose  which students could benefit most. Our tutors then go into  those schools to work with those kids. BBC Reporter I was going to say that it’d be hard to choose wouldn't it? Which ones really do need it? Edd Stockwell Yes, really tough! But I think class teachers really do know their class and their kids... BBC Reporter Yes, Definitely. Edd Stockwell ... so they’re the right people to make that decision I think. BBC Reporter How expensive is it then if you want to pay for private tuition? Edd Stockwell Average costs for a private tutor is about £23 an hour outside of London, rising up to £29 per hour inside London, as an average. But a lot of people want a really experienced tutor which are hard to find, they might be about £40, 50, 60, 70, 80 an hour. I think the most expensive tutor we’ve got on Tutorfair is £200.00 an hour, but he’s an extraordinary man but that's also an extraordinary price. BBC Reporter £200.00 an hour?! Teaching what? Edd  Stockwell Maths and science, but when you speak to clients he's worked with, the quotes that I got from one of them was; ‘Mark can organise a child’s mind for success’ and he’s just one of those magical characters that connects with children and inspires them to want to learn and succeed. I mean, I do not recommend hiring him because he’s ridiculously expensive, but he’s the best of the best! BBC Reporter Wow, it sounds like we could do with cloning him then? Edd Stockwell Yes, that’s brilliant! Solve one problem at a time, but then let’s clone Mark! (Laughs) BBC Reporter (Laughs) What you need to do is to pay him £200 an hour to teach 10 teachers how to do it! Edd Stockwell That is exactly what he’s doing this Saturday! We’ve got one hundred tutors in a room and he’s leading our tutor training and teaching them all the tips that he’s accumulated over his 17 years of private tutoring. We do a lot of tutor training, and it’s really amazing! BBC Reporter And I’m guessing you’ve seen a lot of situations where the children have really benefited from this? Edd Stockwell It’s extraordinary the difference you can make just unlocking, or unblocking really the little thing they don't understand. You can so quickly (if you struggle in one subject) think to yourself ‘Oh, I don't understand maths, I’ll never understand maths!’ BBC Reporter Yes! That was me! (Laughs) Edd Stockwell Yes! (Laughs) ‘I’m not going to try maths!’ and it's not true it's just the panic zone of your learning. As soon as someone explains it to you and makes that little bit make sense, inspires you to want to try and to believe that maths is for you, it’s extraordinary! BBC Reporter Edd, it  has  been lovely to talk to you, thank you so much for coming in this morning. Edd Stockwell Thank you so much! BBC Reporter And good luck with Mark and the tutors this weekend! Edd Stockwell Oh thanks very much! BBC Reporter Brilliant thank you! That’s Edd Stockwell who’s one of the founders of Tutorfair, which is a website that helps people, so if you’re looking to find a tutor in your area.

Three Ways You Can Improve Your Personal Statement

Three Ways You Can Improve Your Personal Statement There are many challenging elements to preparing your college application. For many students, though, writing a personal statement ranks as one of the most challenging. On a few sheets of paper, you must name your most likeable traits, past experiences, extracurricular activities, future plans, and reason for wanting to attend a particular college. That's a lot of information to condense into a short essay! The goal is to avoid bragging or sounding indecisive. To make this process less gruelling, here are a few tips on how to create a memorable personal statement: 1. Use Examples Admissions committees see thousands of applications, so many personal statements may sound quite similar to them. Stand out from the crowd by letting your statement show your personality, values, hopes, and passions. Don't go on and on about yourself; rather, leave the impression that you're being genuine. A good way to do this is by livening up your essay with specific examples. You don't have to use long, drawn-out stories. Mention well-placed anecdotes of how you took action to reach a goal or were personally inspired by someone. This can be a powerful tool for catching the committee's attention. 2. Break it up with Short Paragraphs You may have a lot to say. Your personal statement could be brilliant, but a bunch of run-on sentences and rambling stories are sure to detract from that. Write in short paragraphs and pay close attention to sentence structure. Read and re-read your essay out loud to yourself until the words flow smoothly and you've gotten rid of awkward phrases or poor grammar. In addition, be sure to check spelling thoroughly. First impressions are lasting; a committee will likely disregard a student's application because of poor grammar and spelling errors. 3. Talk about the School The statement you're writing is a personal one, but it's important to remember that it's not all about you. You are sharing who you are with the admissions committee, but you should also talk about the school and what attracted you to it. Do some research into the programs that are of interest to you, and spend some time talking about how they could enhance your college experience. Lastly, note what qualities would make you an ideal candidate for the school or program to which you're applying. End by reiterating how your attendance at the institution will figure into your post-college plans and prospective career.

Utilize Your Soft Skills to Find a Job

Utilize Your Soft Skills to Find a Job via Pexels Todays employers are looking for the following skill sets: Listening skills (74%) Attention to detail and attentiveness (70%) Effective Communication (69%) Critical thinking (67%) Interpersonal skills (65%) Active learning/Learning new skills (65%) The majority of employers surveyed  (73%) said it was very or somewhat difficult finding qualified candidates, and about one-third (34%)  say schools have not properly prepared students for jobs. Michael Hansen, the CEO of Cengage,  the largest U.S.-based education and technology company serving the higher education market, says “these results show that we must not underestimate the power of the people factor in the workforce.   Technology and automation will continue to change and replace jobs, but there are skills that cannot be automated, such as the ability to think critically or problem solve. “There is a need for more soft skills training, both in college and on the job, and today’s learners and graduates must continue to hone their skills to stay ahead,” Hansen continued. “The onus is on everyone â€" students, colleges, employers and industry partners like Cengage â€" to make learning more accessible, relevant and affordable.” The survey asked college students how easy it was to find a job, and 65% of students surveyed said that finding a job is more difficult in comparison to their parents generation. About 25% of students are worried that jobs will become less and less available as technology steps in to take over more and more jobs. However, even more students (77%) worry more  about having the  skill set  needed for a job. One in three students believe their education has  not adequately prepared them  for the workplace. “For candidates willing to hone their ‘uniquely human skills,’ there is opportunity,” said Hansen.    â€œWhile employers anticipate that computer and tech skills will be among the most coveted in the next five years, many human skills, such as critical thinking, communication, and the ability to learn new skills will remain important.” For more information about the survey, please visit